Travel light when going on an international payroll journey

According to Eurostat, already 135,000 multi national companies are operating in European countries alone. And 1 in 5 people are employed in a multinational enterprise. Together they employ no less than 42 million people across Europe!

No wonder that international payroll manager or specialist roles are on the rise. And that payroll professionals’ interest in a career in international payroll career is growing. One of their toughest challenges is setting up a sustainable organisation to manage and support the journey towards internationalisation.

During this webinar we will shed some light on the myriad of Multi-Country Payroll Outsourcing providers and on the possible collaboration models out there.


Thursday, May 4, 2023
Start: 15:00 CET
Duration: 30 minutes (including questions)

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Travel light when going on an international payroll journey

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Travel light when going on an international payroll journey

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