Privacy statement

Your privacy is important to us. After all, when you call on us, you often provide us with personal details. You must therefore be able to trust us to treat your details with care and confidentiality. This privacy statement explains how we do this.

The privacy statement applies to PayBIX, with registered office at Oxdonkstraat 166B, Kapelle-op-den-Bos, 1880, Belgium and with company number BE 0782.511.866, at our locations, in our stores and on the and https://* websites, (hereinafter "PayBIX" or "we").

By using our services and website, you unconditionally accept this privacy statement. We may change the privacy policy at any time. It is therefore advisable to consult this privacy statement on a regular basis.

The data you give to us:

  • When you place an order with us, in the shop or on the website, we ask you to provide us with your name, address, e-mail address and telephone number. This is necessary in order to execute our mutual contract. (Namely, to process your order).
  • When you make an appointment/reservation with us, in the shop or on the website, we ask you to give us your name, e-mail address and telephone number. This is necessary in order to correctly register your appointment and to contact you if we were unable to keep the appointment ourselves. 

The data that is collected automatically:

You can visit our website without providing any personal information. In that case, certain data can be collected via cookies (see cookie policy). Certain data can also be collected without being stored in cookies. This data can only be read by PayBIX during your visit to our website. It includes:

1) The TCP/IP address from which you visit our websites

2) The type and version of your navigation system (if your browser provides this)

3) The most recently visited Internet page (if your browser provides this)

4) The identification details of your mobile device, as well as geographical location information (if your browser provides this)

General goals:

Your personal data is collected:

  • To provide you with the service offered on the website (for example: processing your order)
  • To send newsletters about our blog posts
  • To manage the technical administration of the website
  • For statistical purposes
  • In order to be able to provide support

Direct marketing and communication to third parties:

Your personal details will be kept strictly confidential, and will under no circumstances be disclosed to third parties or be used for direct marketing purposes.

We may, however, share your personal data with affiliated companies or third parties who process data on our behalf. If these service providers act as data processors on our behalf, we do not allow them to use or disclose this data in a way that does not correspond to the cases described in this privacy statement. E.g. Webflow, which hosts the website on our behalf, has no right to process data that you send via this website.

Storage of personal data:

Unless a longer retention period is required or justified by law or due to compliance with another legal obligation, we will only retain your personal data for the period necessary to provide services.

Right of access and improvement:

If you wish to exercise your privacy rights, as set forth below, please contact

  • Right of access to the personal data that PayBIX may have about you
  • Right to rectify, complete or update your personal data
  • Right to delete your personal data (‘right to be forgotten’)
  • Right to restrict the processing of your personal data
  • Right to transferability of the personal data that you have provided to us
  • Right of objection/opposition to the processing of your personal data

You are entirely free to choose whether or not to provide your personal data to PayBIX. You should, however, be aware that certain services may be refused if you do not provide your personal information and that you are solely responsible for the accuracy of the information you provide to PayBIX.

You also cannot oppose the processing of your personal data if this is necessary for the execution of the contractual or legal obligations.

If you no longer wish to receive newsletters or information about our services, you can unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the "unsubscribe" link provided at the bottom of every PayBIX email.

Security and trust:

PayBIX has taken the necessary measures to prevent the loss, unlawful use or alteration of information we receive on our site. Using SSL (secure layer, placed between our servers and your Internet browser, which makes the data secure) the transaction information is sent over the Internet encrypted. No special software is required for this.

If you feel that our site does not comply with our privacy policy, or if you have any questions or concerns regarding the use of your information or the security of this site, please contact PayBIX via


If you have complaints about the way in which we collect, use and/or process your personal data, you can lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority (see:

Use of cookies

Information about our use of cookies:

Our website uses cookies and similar technologies to differentiate your usage preferences from those of other users of our website.

This helps us provide you with a better user experience when you visit our website and also allows us to optimize our website.

Cookies and similar technologies do not allow the systematic collection of data that could identify the users of our website, however. They only help us to improve how our website works, to understand the interests of our users and to measure the effectiveness of the content of our website.

As a result of European regulations, all websites that target certain parts of the European Union are required to ask your consent to the use or storage of cookies and similar technologies on your computers or mobile devices. This cookie policy gives you clear and complete information about the cookies we use and their purpose. Please read our privacy statement to learn about the privacy rules that apply to our services and the website.

For further information about this Cookie Policy, please contact us via

What's a cookie?

A cookie is a small text and number file that we store in your browser or on the hard drive of your computer. This allows us to remember your preferences when you use our website.

When you visit one of our websites, you will be asked for permission to place the different categories of cookies that we use.

Types of cookies that can be found on our website:

Cookies can be subdivided according to their origin, their function and their lifespan.

First-party cookies are cookies that are placed by a website that is being currently visited by the user.

Third-party cookies are cookies that are placed by a domain name other than that of the website being visited by the user. If a user visits a website and a third party places a cookie via that website, then this is a third-party cookie (e.g. cookies placed by Google, Twitter and Facebook).

Functional cookies are cookies that ensure that the website functions properly (e.g. cookies for login or registration, language preferences, shopping baskets, etc.). Functional cookies are, logically, first-party cookies.

Non-functional cookies are cookies that can be placed for statistical, social, targeting and commercial purposes. They have nothing to do with the purely technical support of the website. Cookies with statistical purposes make it possible to track which pages of the website you visit, where your computer is located, etc. Cookies with social purposes allow the user to share the content of the visited Website directly with others via social media. Targeting cookies allow a profile to be built up based on your surfing behaviour, so that the advertisements displayed are tailored to your interests. Cookies with commercial purposes keep track of how many and which advertisements were shown to a user. Non-functional cookies can be first-party or third-party cookies.

Persistent cookies: These cookies remain on the user's device for the duration defined in the cookie. They are activated each time the user visits the Website that placed this cookie (e.g. cookies placed by social media such as Twitter, Facebook, Google Analytics, etc.). Most non-functional cookies are permanent cookies.

Session cookies: These cookies allow the actions of a user to be simplified and to be linked to each other during a browser session. A browser session starts when a user opens the browser screen and ends when the user closes the browser screen. Session cookies are placed temporarily. As soon as you close the browser, all the session cookies are deleted. Most functional cookies are session cookies.

Your permission

On your first visit to our website you will be asked to accept our cookies. You can allow or refuse these cookies. You can change the cookie settings for our website at any time via your browser settings, and thereby revoke your consent.

If you refuse certain functional cookies, however, it is possible that the website or certain parts of it will no longer function properly.

Changing your browser settings

Please note that web browsers allow you to change your cookie settings. These settings can usually be found in the 'Options' or 'Preferences' menu of your web browser. To better understand these settings, the following links may be helpful. If not, you should consult the 'Help' function in your web browser for more details.