Thumbs up to all Payroll Professionals out there!

Getting your salary paid, timely and correctly … important isn’t it? But is it really a given? Do you believe that running payroll is not that difficult? Could it be that it is harder than you think?

Well, the PayBIX team has been ‘doing payroll’ for decades, and we can state, in all honesty, that it’s bloody cumbersome to deliver accurate payroll over and over again.
It’s also no picnic to explain the calculation of their payslip to colleagues. You almost need to be a member of Mensa to understand how your net pay is calculated, especially when it comes to social contributions and tax withholdings.

So, here’s our small request to you: next time you see, hear ,or e-mail your colleague in payroll, show her/him a token of gratitude for the great work she/he does every month to get your net salary in the bank.

We’re sure that you’ll be surprised by the pleasant reaction.

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Thumbs up to all Payroll Professionals out there!

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Thumbs up to all Payroll Professionals out there!

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