May 23 🦜️ Epix Product updates 🚀

Product updates

In May every bird 🦜️ 🦆 lays some eggs🐣🥚, and again Paybix too has released a lot of new features for its Epix platform in the last month.

Curious about the most recent features and what’s coming next? Keep on reading!

Epix rebranding 🎨

We rebranded Paybix and deployed our new site. So, this was also the moment to rebrand Epix accordingly. A new icon, new colours, fonts and a brand-new look was released.

Also, the logon and signup page got a facelift.

We also took the opportunity to reorganize some things on our home page, because with the huge growth of the platform we needed to step back and bring in sight what is really important. And we did! We moved some insights to the reporting page where they belong, and the widgets with upcoming events has got a new place, with click-trough events to show more info if needed or even go directly to the personal page of an employee.

Person🧑& Contract 💼

We changed some small details to the person list

  • Formatting of the 'active since' date
  • Inactive contracts are not shown in the people list anymore (bug)

The partner information on the civil state screen has been given some extra fields, according to extra information we received from our partners in some countries

For the contracts we changed the following

  • Rename "inactive" to "deleted" contracts
  • Add Fixed term end date to contract period and rename End date to Effective end date
  • Add check on unique employee number for every employer
  • Fix on tab selection when appearing based on settings.

We added new localised information and validations

  • Extra field on the NL specific tab: Change written contract switch to text
  • We show the flags for the DE and NL tabs even if the value is false to show the user what the setting is
  • The Italian specific information is now available

Validation engine ✅

  • We added the validation engine and put it into production with our generic validation warnings and errors (valid for all countries)
  • We added the Belgian validation rules
  • We added the German validation rules
  • We added the Dutch validation rules
  • We added the Italian validation rules
  • We show the number of validation errors on the home screen including recalculation when filtering for 1 or more providers
  • We show the number of validation errors in the person list, and you can filter to select only this population
  • We show the number of validation errors for 1 person and for 1 contract for a person.
  • All the above validations have a unique code and are translated in the Epix languages.
  • You can click through from any place to navigate to the position where you can solve the error or warning
  • You can set a warning 'has seen' when you don't want to solve it. It is then not shown any more in the lists.
  • When validations are solved, all widgets, tabs and lists disappear to make the screen lighter.

International 🌍

We added missing countries and nationalities from the world to select any country or nationality for a person. Eg Eritrean was added.

Upon customer questions, we added also new currencies outside of Europe to make it possible to put amounts in these currencies, but also retrieve labour costs on calculated data in other currencies.

The following list of currencies was added and ready to use, including the conversion rate at the time we added it.


Reports 📒

  • We added a character limit to piechart labels because long labels went outside the graph
  • We added the currency name instead of only the currency code

Payroll codes 📅

  • The fly in for the payroll codes is divided into 3 parts because it contained too much information.
  • We added a colour picker so you don't have to type the HEX code yourself. But you still can type the HEX code if you want.
  • We added a new salary setting to let the user only choose the right options in the pay component screen (amount, hours, days, …)
  • We added the ability to set a code to be used as self service code. This is the first step in the creation of our employee selfservice.
  • We now use the user friendly description instead of description of the payroll provider in payroll code list and the collective calendar

Configuration ⚙️& General improvements 💄

  • We fixed the entry of a comma in the number of hours of a work schedule
  • We fixed the height calendar in case there are more than 3 entries on 1 day
  • We added a year counter to show you the sum of all the components used in 1 year for an employee

What’s coming up?

Payroll closure 🔃

Our platform already contains a lot of the payroll closure functionality, though this is currently only enabled our demo environment. The public release is planned in the upcoming weeks.

Organization structures 🪜

In the current version there is already the ability to create roles, but the team structure and management will be released in the following weeks. This will show for every person in his/her personal file to which team they belong and who has a role towards this person.

Car management 🚗

In the next version you will be able to manage a list of cars over your full company and assign them to your employees, so you will have an overview of the cars, with some first reporting on average CO2, lease cost, ... per country or over countries.

Register for our next Epix demo

If you are interested in an online demo of Epix, click here to register for our next webinar or here for a personal meeting and demo. 

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us. And remember, check our site for more insights in our unified processing or integrated analytics solutions.

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May 23 🦜️ Epix Product updates 🚀

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May 23 🦜️ Epix Product updates 🚀

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