Hybrid Work becoming mainstream

According to Gartner, the n°1 trend of the post-Covid-19 Future of Work is…

Hybrid Work becoming mainstream

"With 75% of hybrid or remote knowledge workers agreeing their expectations for working flexibly have increased, there is no doubt that the future is hybrid. In fact, if an organization were to go back to a fully on-site arrangement, it would risk losing up to 39% of its workforce. (…) This leads to historic challenges for CHRO's from an exhausted workforce and a highly competitive labor market.” Source: Gartner 9 Future of Work trends post Covid-19

The focus on the Employee Experience and the Employee Value Proposition (EVP) has never been greater: how to differentiate your organization as an employer of choice? For strategic discussions like these, it is vital that you apply a data-driven approach and make maximum use of your payroll data.

In many cases however, payroll data is inaccurate and/or scattered across different local applications and payroll processes are not fully digitized. This is really a lost opportunity since the benefits of integrated payroll data and efficient processes are significant.

Implementing an integrated payroll technology can help unleash a whole set of benefits for organizations and their employees. Fully digitized and integrated payroll processes will enable businesses to make far-reaching decisions about enhancing the workforce and improving employee experience.

Payroll executives now have the chance to show their added value to the business and support their organizations to make a major leap forward and become an employer of choice...

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Hybrid Work becoming mainstream

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Hybrid Work becoming mainstream

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